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If I have TSA Pre-Check, Trusted Traveler, or Frequent Flyer ID numbers, when should I let you know?
Let us know as soon as you book your tour so that we can include this information on your air ticket. These numbers will not be accepted on the day of travel and must be provided early in the booking process.
You may check with us to see if your frequent flyers program matches the airline we are using for the tour–often we are able to provide you with this information in advance.
Please note that TSA Pre-Check travelers and Trusted Traveler members are not guaranteed to receive expedited screening.
Provided from the TSA directly: “TSA uses unpredictable security measures, both seen and unseen, throughout the airport, and no individual is guaranteed expedited screening” ( You can find more information about TSA Pre-Check on the internet at, including details on how you can qualify for TSA Pre-Check.
From U.S. Customs and Border Protection: “While Global Entry’s goal is to speed travelers through the process, members may still be selected for further examination when entering the United States” ( Visit for more information on how to become a Trusted Traveler.